Sandwich Making

“Sandwich Making” – a cartoon that illustrates the start of the consolidation and M&A process that the Fintech market is starting in earnest.
During the recent boom, 20% of all venture funding went into Fintech, which created over-capacity in many of the new business areas.
With the tightening venture markets and fewer opportunities (if any) for a public market exit, the Fintech market is in full consolidation and M&A swing.
Recently, we have had Fidelity acquire Shoobx (Fidelity’s first buy in 7 years) and American Express acquire Nipendo.
According to Jonah Crane, partner at Klaros Group, “if we have a soft landing, and markets head back up, the true bargains may already have passed. And if we are in for a very hard landing, buyers are at risk of catching falling knives—especially in the credit sector.”