Spousal Distancing


“Spousal Distancing”– a cartoon that illustrates how many people are rather enjoying the return to work.

According to a Gallup poll of 140K employees in the US, 60% of employees prefer to move to a hybrid work environment, with 40% of these wanting to be in the office 2-3 days a week.

Meanwhile, the option to work exclusively from home exhibited a drop in interest among those polled.

Some of this might be because companies are realizing how much spontaneity and training goes on by teams working together, but another factor is what the NY Times called a need for “spousal distancing.”

Or as better described by Julie Klam, 53, an author based in New York City, “..now he and my kid and our dog and I are all jammed together in the one room that has air and light, and I’m listening to him on conference calls.”

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