Tower of Babel

“Tower of Babel”– a cartoon that illustrates how consumers are completely disinterested in technology gobbledygook, all they want is something that works.
Last week, Jack Dorsey (of Twitter founder fame) announced tbd, a Web 5.0 company.
After the announcement, Jack got into a tussle with Marc Andreessen (co-founder of Netscape and VC fame) over whether Web 3.0 was sufficiently decentralized and the role of stakeholders.
If this all sounds like a rather boring form of TMZ’s celebrity news, you are part of the 99.99%.
Most industries have impenetrable acronyms that are part to dazzle and befuddle the uninitiated, but the crypto industry takes the biscuit.
Maybe we can redirect those crypto entrepreneurs currently in a quiet corner nursing their recent crypto losses to point their considerable talent to make the industry somewhat more understandable and accessible.